Monday, November 21, 2016


If anyone is still reading along, Ben had a post-op check-up recently and he is doing great!  Dr. K was very happy with how Ben is healing.  Ben was very, very happy that he no longer has to wear his blue SPF 50 hat when he is outside!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Thank you!

I just wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers, messages, cards, meals and gifts that have been sent our way.  We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and family.  The night before the surgery I told Ben about all the people who are thinking about him and sending prayers his way.  He told me that he just couldn’t believe that so many people, some of whom he’s never even met, were thinking of HIM.  Even in the hospital he would ask if everyone was still thinking of him and hoping he feels better soon.  We are so grateful that he is recovering so well and for the excellent care that he received in the hospital from all of the nurses and from Dr. Keating and Dr. Boyajian.


Sorry for the absence...there hasn't been much to update.  Ben continues to improve every day.  He is still a little swollen but that will take months to fully subside.  His incision looks fantastic and healing nicely.  We've been able to get out of the house a little and Ben has played with some friends.  I'm still not letting him play too much on the swing set so he hasn't been very interested in playing outside.  Overall though he is doing great.  It's hard to believe it's only been a week since we came home from the hospital.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


I guess it's up one day, down the next.  Ben isn't feeling so great today.  He didn't sleep well last night so I really think he's just tired but I gave him some motrin just in case.  He is alternating between the couch and our bed.

Monday, June 27, 2016


Ben had another good day.  He hung out working on Lego projects.  Sometimes he just forgets that he needs to be resting so I have to remind him that he's just not ready for a lot of activity yet because he gets tired easily.  His balance is also off a little from the swelling.  He told me he almost feels like himself again and he told me nothing hurts so he doesn't need pain medication anymore.  It's really been a pretty amazing transformation.

After his first surgery he did well in the hospital but then had a really, really tough time once we got home.  This time it's been the opposite.  The hospital was rough but he has bounced back quicker than I thought he would.  I'm hoping we might be able to venture out of the house a little bit soon.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Ben's transition home has been a little bumpy.  I think he thought once he was home life would go back to normal.  But obviously he still has a lot of healing to do.  So today he is pretty tired and I'm glad he is listening to his body and just hanging out on the couch resting.  His face and eyes swelled up overnight again but that's normal.   He says he is not in pain, which is pretty amazing I think.  Dr. K said the next couple of weeks need to be pretty low-key and he can't do any activities (like the swingset or bike riding) that could cause him to injure his head.  After that he can get back to playing but no swimming for about 6 weeks and we have to be really careful to keep his scar covered in the sun for the next 6 months.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Going home!

Ben had a good night and woke up sounding like himself again. Dr. K said we can go home today (although Ben told him he was pretty comfy here).  We are all looking forward to going home and seeing Becca again.